E+ Green Product Offering

Please enroll me in NorthWestern Energy's E+ Green Program.  I understand that in addition to my regular charges, I will be billed $1.25 per month for each 100 kWh E+ Green block that I request.

Account number has the following pattern: #######-# Example: 1234567-1

Select the amount to add to your electric bill. E+ Green can be purchased in $1.25 blocks of 100 kWh, starting at $1.25.
Number of blocks selected will be multiplied by $1.25.

Add this amount to my monthly electric bill.

By clicking, I am opting- in to receive emails for NorthWestern Energy’s E+ Green program.

I authorize Northwestern Energy to ADD the E+ Green charges listed above to my NorthWestern Energy monthly Billing Statement.